About Us

Welcome to XENOGOLD.NET! We are a registered limited company (TVSM LTD) that specialises in the safe trade of video game services.

Our mission objectives are simple. We aim to provide a prestigious level of service supplying cheap video game services with fast delivery speeds, secure payment options and an around the clock customer support team that you deserve.

We have been transacting since 2020 with Elder Scrolls Online as our forefrontmarket. Since 2021, we have diversified into the other game markets after identifying the opportunity to provide the same great service that our loyal customers came to love and expect from us.

Our primary sales channel up to date has been Ebay, where we have over 1300 positive feedback across three different accounts (Virtusalesman, Virtualsalesmantwo, Virtusalesmanthree).

Ebay Reviews

Ebay Reviews

We hope you find our website easy to use and would love any and all feedback from our customers, please get in touch!

Company Information:

TVSM LTD (UK Company)

Company Reg: 13329753

2 School Cottages Toad Row, Henstead, Beccles NR34 7LG


Email: Tvsmltd@outlook.com

Phone: +44 0758955128